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Energy Scenario of India: Current Trends and Future Outlook

  • 8 Steps
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This course provides an in depth knowledge of Energy Scenario of India including three modules. Topics covered in this course includes the following: Energy Scenario of India Module 1: 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Primary And Secondary Energy 1.3 Commercial And Non Commercial Energy 1.4 Non –Renewable And Renewable Energy 1.5 Global Primary Energy Reserves And Commercial Energy Production 1.6 Final Energy Consumption Module 2: 1.7 India Energy Scenario 1.8 Sector Wise Energy Consumption In India 1.9 Energy Needs Of Growing Economy 1.10 Integrated Energy Policy 1.11 Energy Intensity On Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Module 3: 1.13 Energy Pricing In India, Availability Based Tariffs(ABT) 1.14. Energy Security 1.15. Energy Conservation And Its Importance Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: • Define energy scenario and explain its importance • Identify the different types of energy

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