Services/Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy
Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)
To undertake area survey of project site and study of availability of rice husk and other bio mass potential.
Study of infrastructural facility, road and rail connectivity, water availability for the proposed project.
Study of Meteorological data of the area
Study of Power Evacuation System and Grid Connectivity
Study, analysis, synthesis of technical and financial data, Selection of Power Generation Technology.
Sizing and selection of Plant & Machinery, BTG equipment, Cooling Tower, DM Plant, water Treatment Plant, Air Compressor System, Water System, Fuel System and other Mechanical & Electrical Parameters
Selection of waste disposal system, Ash Management System, Pollution Control Equipment
Study of Environment, Social Impact Assessment
Study of Salability and marketing of generated power through Power Exchange, Traders and State Utility.
Study of Manpower Planning and Project Implementation Schedule.
Computation of capital cost and selection of normative parameters